Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Matter march

It's not much of a secret that our planet is messed up. We're facing a long list of problems, and most of them are caused by by one simple thing: the burning of fossil fuel.

I joined the group caled iMatter. Its a group of kids that care about the environment. Here's a bit on what we do...

WE are a generation inspired by the need itself to step up and be the change we want to see. iMatter began as a simple video, created by a 13 year old, that covered the problems, consequences and solutions of climate change in like a minute. And now it's a global campaign meant to unite the voices of a generation on the most urgent issue of our time. The non profit project of Earth Island Institute, called Kids vs Global Warming, has pulled together a bunch of amazing partners to give youth a platform to raise their voices so loud they cannot be ignored.

Friday, May 6, 2011

A little change, is good right?

Okay, so I was getting bored of my blog so I decided to spice it up! As you can see every thing even the title is new, the only thing that did not change was me... and I would like to keep it that way, if I do say so my self ...  :D    I just wanted to let you guys/gals know that it is the same old Memi that is here on Winter Journeys, just a new everything else. I also wanted to tell you that I'm going to put up some of my favourite quotes for you people on the description above. And every month or week or any time I feel like it  I will change it and put up a new one. So if you have a awesome, amazing and totally outrageous quote that you think deserves to be put up on my blog just post it down below.

That's it for now... (got to do french project)   :'(


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Special birthday

Its my birds birthday!!!!!
I love him sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and want to show you all the wonderful things about him!!!

Right now he is playing under the covers!!!
Happy birthday Cash!!!!!!

~ live ~ Luv ~ Memi ~