Drowning on the inside...

Its happening again.
Why me?
Why here?
Where is help when I need it!
running through your head.

Why did you even try?
You should of never came to this death trap!

Blood pounding.
Air thinning.
Life fading.

Your running from death,
when you should be searching for life.

It hurts.
You can't breath.
The walls are closing up.
You feel the wall brush upon your arm,
and the ground beneath your feet.
You cant see in front of you,
and you start panicking.

Lungs are struggling.
Ears ringing.
Eyes closing.
Find a way out- Is your only thought.

Your breathing heavily.
It seems that the oxygen has left this horrible room.
The dizziness has taken over and pushes you down.
On the ground you focus on maintaining your breath.

Like your doctor told you to.


 You hear voice's- ignore them.
You see images that are not there- ignore them.

You feel good about your self.
But you know that something is going to happen, eventually.

Stop breathing- Panic

Blood pounding.
Air thinning.
Life fading.

Instinct tells you to get out.
Instinct tells you to use your muscles and open the door.
Instinct tells you to dig like a dog that lost his bone.
Instinct tells you stand up and fight.

And you Listen.
Like always.

You feel tears running down your cheek,
as you stand up and try to open the door.

You hear your own cry`s and screams for help,
as you push the help button as a person on the other end  try`s to calm you down.


You feel invisible water run down your throat.
You struggle to find air,
as you finally give up...
Blood pounding.
Air thinning.
Life fading.

The first person to rush to your aid was a 79 year old waiting for the elevator. When the elevator opened she found you on the floor, tears in your eye`s from the 2 minute ride up the elevator to get to your moms work.

When you get home you have fun with your friends joking, smiling and getting teased about getting claustrophobic in an 2 minute elevator.

However, when your friends leave your mom calls your psychiatrist to book 3 new appointments every week, calls your doctor to  let him know what happened and to make and appointment tomorrow to see if every thing is fine, calls your dad to tell him what happened and that he should come home.
You now walk 3 miles home because from now buses and cars are too small for you, you wont go to the washroom in your school because they are far too small, you cant go to your best friends home because she lives in and apartment, your life is a disaster because no one knows how it feels to drown on the inside.


  1. Oh my god. Thats amazing <3 I never knew you wrote so welll!
    -Farnaz :)


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