I made this blog to write my world away and hopefuly make yours a little better each time...
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
So I had to do a project about some problem that is really important for me. I chose shark fin soup. Here is why...
Shark fin soup is a soup or broth of Chinese origin made with shark fin and flavoured with chicken or some other stock. The fin itself has very little flavour and it is used primarily to add texture to the dish and because it is seen as a delicacy. Shark fin soup is not cheap - it can easily cost upwards of $100 per bowl, shark fin soup is being consumed in vast quantities, placing an unsustainable and crippling demand on shark populations.
This I can deal with but the fact is that Shark fining is the practice of slicing off the shark's fins while the shark is still alive and throwing the rest of its body back into the ocean where it can take days to die what must be an agonising death. Some sharks starve to death, others are slowly eaten by other fish, and some drown, because sharks need to keep moving to force water through their gills for oxygen. Shark fins are used as the principal ingredient of shark fin soup, an Asian "delicacy". Demand for shark fin soup has rocketed in recent years due to the increased prosperity of China and other countries in the Far East. Shark fin soup, which can easily cost $100 a bowl, is often served at wedding celebrations so that the hosts can impress their guests with their affluence.
Let’s start putting a end to this and not support, this massacre! Do not eat shark fin soup or go to the restaurants. (Wow I said a lot!)
Thank you, for reading!!!!! And please, don't support shark fining! If you want to see more here is the place where i got my info!! http://www.stopsharkfinning.net/index.htm
Shark fin soup is a soup or broth of Chinese origin made with shark fin and flavoured with chicken or some other stock. The fin itself has very little flavour and it is used primarily to add texture to the dish and because it is seen as a delicacy. Shark fin soup is not cheap - it can easily cost upwards of $100 per bowl, shark fin soup is being consumed in vast quantities, placing an unsustainable and crippling demand on shark populations.
This I can deal with but the fact is that Shark fining is the practice of slicing off the shark's fins while the shark is still alive and throwing the rest of its body back into the ocean where it can take days to die what must be an agonising death. Some sharks starve to death, others are slowly eaten by other fish, and some drown, because sharks need to keep moving to force water through their gills for oxygen. Shark fins are used as the principal ingredient of shark fin soup, an Asian "delicacy". Demand for shark fin soup has rocketed in recent years due to the increased prosperity of China and other countries in the Far East. Shark fin soup, which can easily cost $100 a bowl, is often served at wedding celebrations so that the hosts can impress their guests with their affluence.
Fishermen are only interested in the fins because shark meat is of low economical value and takes up too much space in the hold. It also contains urea, which turns to ammonia once the shark has died and contaminates other fish.
Shark fin itself is tasteless, it just provides a gelatinous bulk for the soup which is flavoured with chicken or other stock. Many people, especially the consumers, are unaware of the suffering that fining causes. Tens of millions of sharks are slaughtered every year to satisfy the demand for shark fin soup; at least 8,000 tonnes of shark fins are shipped to restaurants around the world. Fishermen report that sharks are getting smaller because they are not being given time to mature. How they kill sharks and leave them to die is illegal, however people do it anyway. Most people are afraid of sharks but to tell the truth, coconuts kill more people then sharks do. And no animal should have such a miserably, horribly, barbaric way of dieing.
Let’s start putting a end to this and not support, this massacre! Do not eat shark fin soup or go to the restaurants. (Wow I said a lot!)
Thank you, for reading!!!!! And please, don't support shark fining! If you want to see more here is the place where i got my info!! http://www.stopsharkfinning.net/index.htm
Sunday, December 4, 2011
If Today
If today was the
last day of my life
I would leave all worries aside
I would be thankful to be alive
I would be all right
I would just smile
If today was the
last day of my life
I would stop just to be with you
I would learn everything new
I would be friendly, and I would laugh,
just because.
I would live,
love and cherish everything I ever knew
If today was the
last day of my life
I would pass on peace
I would pass on love
I would pass on the good of life
I would give on
the joy of knowing,
that I would be
If today was the
last day of my life
I would accept peacefully all that comes,
including my death,
for death, is just a new beginning.
Just a little some thing to brighten your mood. ;)
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Okay so I changed my URL (i think that's what its called...)
It was making some problems so I changed it!
It was www.mywinterjourneys.blogspot.com and now its www.somebloggergirl.blogspot.com !
Hope you don't mind!
Okay so I changed my URL (i think that's what its called...)
It was making some problems so I changed it!
It was www.mywinterjourneys.blogspot.com and now its www.somebloggergirl.blogspot.com !
Hope you don't mind!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Color Blind Anyone??
So today I found out that my careers teacher and my 3 friends ( well not really more like my classmates) are color blind! I never knew! It never crossed my mind. One of whom is the smartest kid in the school!That was a surprise for me, not only did I know that color blindness was that common but I would never think that I would know some one that was color blind personally. Well that was a big shock too me. Because these people acted like every body else and never was limited by the fact that they were color blind. After the fact registered in my head I felt bad, I knew that these people could never see the beauty leaves changing color or the magnificent color of the sunset. They could never really be an artist, but in the other hand, they wouldn't want to be and artist because if you think about it you cant miss what you never had, right? So they would not miss seeing the sunset or the flower blooming because they never had it. For me it would be a BIG deal to not see the color of these things, but maybe for them, not so much. It mad me feel good tho know a little more about my classmates. So I went and read a little more about color blindness and found out that there are a lot of different color blindness (some you cant even notice) For example, you could not be able to see the difference between blue and purple or red and orange. I found it interesting to read about and I just wanted to show you what I learned! I hope you were as interested as I was!
Here are some pictures on color blindness! :)
Here are some pictures on color blindness! :)
If you can see a number in here, then your not color blind!
If you cant... then I don't think you can be a pilot. :)
These two pictures are what a normal person see of a head and the second picture is what a Color Deficient person see! The Color Deficient person sees the human head greenish.
Color Normal Color Deficient
What page should I tern too?
Thanks for reading! And thanks to all my followers for... well following me! :)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Horse back riding!! :D
Walking home after a hard days work! |
Kumer! |
I know, I know, it has been a long long time.
But here I am! :D
So during the summer I have been going to a horse back riding camp! I had the best time ever learning how to ride and jump with my horse!! The horse camp name was Kemur and they have the best horses EVER!! I got a horse named Shrek! She was so nice! A good jumper too :) After the first day was done I let her go in the field and she started rolling on her back! It was so adorable! She had a problem with kicking the other horses but all in all I was so sad to leave her behind after the week was done! :(
Shrek in the sun! |
Kumer was a wonderful experience, and I recommend the camp to everyone from 9-14 years old who loves animals especially horses. The staff was amazing and the horses were treated like gods! (not really but they had a grate home) I hope I can go to Kemur next year!
This is my story for the day! Hope it was worth your time! And I will promise to post more often!! (lol I sound so professional there!)
Thank you!!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
SORRY, sorry, sorry and sorry!
Wow it’s been 2 months! All right... I truly apologize for not getting the time to write on this blog. It’s just that it was the end of the year and everything has been so crazy. With summer, Grad and just school in general I could not find a way to fit in my blog somewhere. So here I am trying to tell you what happend in theas 2 months!!!
Okay so where do I start?? Humm... how about this... ?
So I was driving around when I sow this little red blob!! It was a baby cardinal and we named this little guy Maple!!! There were cats around the neighbourhood so just to be on the safe side we took him into the tree house and gave him some food and water! Jumping around and pooing all over he wasted a lot of energy and we had lots of fun looking at him topple over his food. He was the cutest little thing (other then my bird ) ever!!!
The next day ~thank god~ his mom was flying around the house looking for him. So that’s the story! About a little bird and a bunch of determination! J
Thats my story for today!! and before I forget, thank you Miral for coming everyday or so to tell me that I need to WRITE on my blog!! Thank you Miral!
~ Luv ~ Live ~ Memi ~ <3
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I Matter march
It's not much of a secret that our planet is messed up. We're facing a long list of problems, and most of them are caused by by one simple thing: the burning of fossil fuel.
I joined the group caled iMatter. Its a group of kids that care about the environment. Here's a bit on what we do...
Friday, May 6, 2011
A little change, is good right?
Okay, so I was getting bored of my blog so I decided to spice it up! As you can see every thing even the title is new, the only thing that did not change was me... and I would like to keep it that way, if I do say so my self ... :D I just wanted to let you guys/gals know that it is the same old Memi that is here on Winter Journeys, just a new everything else. I also wanted to tell you that I'm going to put up some of my favourite quotes for you people on the description above. And every month or week or any time I feel like it I will change it and put up a new one. So if you have a awesome, amazing and totally outrageous quote that you think deserves to be put up on my blog just post it down below.
That's it for now... (got to do french project) :'(
That's it for now... (got to do french project) :'(
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Special birthday
Its my birds birthday!!!!!
I love him sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and want to show you all the wonderful things about him!!!
I love him sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and want to show you all the wonderful things about him!!!
Right now he is playing under the covers!!!
Happy birthday Cash!!!!!!
~ live ~ Luv ~ Memi ~
Friday, April 29, 2011
Candle lit
Sometimes we should just sit in the light of the small flame.
Watch the flame flicker.
Wach it move under your breath.
Notic it's breathing just like you...
Notic it's breathing just like you...
Can you believe that with one mistake,
it can take life...
it can take life...
This flame grows with more food.
It thrives on oxygen.
It thrives on oxygen.
Let the little piece of heat warm your hands, just as it did years ago.
You can say it has kept us alive, by its warm glow.
Don't you think its time to just sit and enjoy the little peaces of magic in our world??
Thursday, April 14, 2011
1,000 Hits!
Lets celebrate!!!! :O
Whooooooo!! I just got 1,000 Hits!!! I'm happy for the next hour or so!
Whooooooo!! I just got 1,000 Hits!!! I'm happy for the next hour or so!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
~To Write Love on Her Arms~
This is the vision and I actually believe these things…
You were created to love and be loved. You were meant to live life in relationship with other people, to know and be known. You need to know that your story is important and that you're part of a bigger story. You need to know that your life matters.
Life is hard for most people most of the time. We believe that everyone can relate to pain, that all of us live with questions, and all of us get stuck in moments. You need to know that you're not alone in the places you feel stuck.
We all wake to the human condition. We wake to mystery and beauty but also to tragedy and loss. Millions of people live with problems of pain. Millions of homes are filled with questions – moments and seasons and cycles that come as thieves and aim to stay. We know that pain is very real. It is our privilege to suggest that hope is real, and that help is real.
Beyond treatment, we believe that community is essential, that people need other people, that we were never meant to do life alone.
The vision is that community and hope and help would replace secrets and silence.
This is the vision and I actually believe these things…
You were created to love and be loved. You were meant to live life in relationship with other people, to know and be known. You need to know that your story is important and that you're part of a bigger story. You need to know that your life matters.
Life is hard for most people most of the time. We believe that everyone can relate to pain, that all of us live with questions, and all of us get stuck in moments. You need to know that you're not alone in the places you feel stuck.
We all wake to the human condition. We wake to mystery and beauty but also to tragedy and loss. Millions of people live with problems of pain. Millions of homes are filled with questions – moments and seasons and cycles that come as thieves and aim to stay. We know that pain is very real. It is our privilege to suggest that hope is real, and that help is real.
Beyond treatment, we believe that community is essential, that people need other people, that we were never meant to do life alone.
The vision is that community and hope and help would replace secrets and silence.
The vision is people putting down guns and blades and bottles.
The vision is that we can reduce the suicide rate in America and around the world.
The vision is that we would learn what it means to love our friends, and that we would love ourselves enough to get the help we need.
The vision is better endings. The vision is the restoration of broken families and broken relationships. The vision is people finding life, finding freedom, finding love. The vision is graduation, a Super Bowl, a wedding, a child, a sunrise. The vision is people becoming incredible parents, people breaking cycles, making change.
The vision is the possibility that your best days are ahead.
The vision is the possibility that we're more loved than we'll ever know.
The vision is hope, and hope is real.
You are not alone, and this is not the end of your story.
I again fully agree and I hope all of you do too!
The vision is the possibility that your best days are ahead.
The vision is the possibility that we're more loved than we'll ever know.
The vision is hope, and hope is real.
You are not alone, and this is not the end of your story.
I again fully agree and I hope all of you do too!
If you want to help or just see go too http://www.twloha.com/index.php
And remember
You are not alone, and this is not the end of your story!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Mother Nature’s creation
People say that we are taking Mother Nature’s creation,
and tossing it in the trash.
We have cut down trees,
And filled beautiful meadows with trash.
We have taken so many lives.
Too much to count.
They say that we have killed all the breathtaking beauty.
Destroyed it.
I don’t disagree.
But I don’t agree either.
Look around.
See the birds flying.
Squirrels running.
Mice hiding.
Foxes hunting.
People walking.
And more.
Look at the nature around us.
See the ecosystem that we created.
Our abandon sheds,
Out grown tree houses,
String and other left alone cloths,
Are all new found homes to start a family.
And to start life.
I'm not saying that we can keep on,
Cutting down trees,
Fill beautiful meadows with trash.
Take so many lives.
Too much to count.
But only too,
See the beauty of little things.
Don’t ponder over thing that happened.
Just too see things Differently.
But only a little.
Then help the next day, again.
But only a little.
Take one step at a time.
To achieve loveliness.
Never stop for what’s important.
And know,
That I’m with you.
To help the world,
One step at a time.
Ok, I know I said on the last post that I would post on the weekend, but I'm sure that no one really read that! I got the inspiration when I was walking and I was watching all the birds chirping loudly and having fun. I hope you liked it!!! :D I also changed my blog. See new color!!! I think I like it.
COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!! :O
COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!! :O
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Busy.. :O
I have been really busy lately and never got the time to write.
Just letting you know!
I'll post this weekend-if not earlier- I promise!
I will comment to my lovely followers too!!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
My writing
Let me get this clear: I write my own poems.
I would never take a peace of writing and call it my own.
I might be inspired and wright similar ones.
Or if they are just so wonderful I just have to post it, I would tell you.
And say on the bottom that This is not mine.
I would never, never wright my name on it so it looks like I did it.
I would never take credit from other peoples work.
If I ever did, " I'm sorry! "
I write from my hart.
That does not mean that if I wright a poem about suicide and running-away, means I'm gonna kill myself, No!
I get inspiration, and I go for it.
I cant believe people think I would copy off of anywere.
It kills me to think of people that I know are thinking that I don't wright my own stuff.
I would never take a peace of writing and call it my own.
I might be inspired and wright similar ones.
Or if they are just so wonderful I just have to post it, I would tell you.
And say on the bottom that This is not mine.
I would never, never wright my name on it so it looks like I did it.
I would never take credit from other peoples work.
If I ever did, " I'm sorry! "
I write from my hart.
That does not mean that if I wright a poem about suicide and running-away, means I'm gonna kill myself, No!
I get inspiration, and I go for it.
I cant believe people think I would copy off of anywere.
It kills me to think of people that I know are thinking that I don't wright my own stuff.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 08:49:05 -0600
This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point last week. A scene you will probably never get to see in person, so take a moment and enjoy God at work at the North Pole. And, you also see the sun below the moon, an amazing photo and not one easily duplicated. You may want to pass it on to others so they can enjoy it. The Chinese have a saying that goes something like this: 'When someone shares with you something of value, you have an obligation to share it with others!' I just did.. Your turn |
Note: I did not write this, I was e-mailed it and I wanted to share it with you guys. I do not take any credit for it!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Why didn’t I realise...
How do I tell you I'm sorry -
With a gesture, a look, a touch?
How is it I never realized
I hurt you so very much?
I do not ask forgiveness,
A comfort I'll never deserve.
I merely want to let you know,
But I cannot find the nerve.
To finally confront you, face-to-face,
To look you in the eye,
To face your wrath, your apathy -
Too terrified to try.
But I walk away,
Your eyes hurt me so very much,
To see the pain that I created,
Its more than I anticipated.
When the life is sucked out of your very own eyes,
My world goes dry,
How do I tell you I'm sorry -
With a gesture, a look, a touch?
How is it I never realized?
That I hurt you so very much?
I know how nerve-racking can be to write a comment (believe me, I need to catch up to all my followers blogs too) but can you please, please, pretty please just mark off a reaction below. Just to show that you read my stuff and that I'm not a un-loved loner. You just need to click what you think of my post and that’s it! Thank You!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Young love...
Isn't he beautiful?
I was outside in my garden and I herd a wonderful song. At once I knew it was a cardinal singing to one of its friends. So I ran inside, got my camera and started looking for him. I followed the sound of his song and ended up at a tree covered in ice. It was easy to spot him after I knew what tree he was in. Because of his bright colors I knew he was a boy and I wondered if he was calling to a female friend.
After awhile of keeping my distance and taking pictures he jumped of the branch and flew to the bird feeder. He took his time to find the right seed and quickly few of to an other tree.
I lost track of him for about 3 min but soon found him back at another bird feeder.
This time when he flew away and I fallowed him.
And this is who I found him with!!!
Aren't they soooo cute!!
It seems as though he has been singing for the female all this time!
I just love them and I hope they stay in my garden for a long time!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Dawning of Spring
Then I went around and took some pictures of all the things that showed of spring!
All the birds have been chirping loudly today and they were all buzzing around the bird feeder.
I open my arms wide to welcome spring!!
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