Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Color Blind Anyone??

So today I found out that my careers teacher and my 3 friends ( well not really more like my classmates) are color blind! I never knew! It never crossed my mind. One of whom is the smartest kid in the school!That was a surprise for me, not only did I know that color blindness was that common but I would never think that I would know some one that was color blind personally. Well that was a big shock too me. Because these people acted like every body else and never was limited by the fact that they were color blind. After the fact registered in my head I felt bad, I knew that these people could never see the beauty leaves changing color or the magnificent color of the sunset. They could never really be an artist, but in the other hand, they wouldn't want to be and artist because if you think about it you cant miss what you never had, right? So they would not miss seeing the sunset or the flower blooming because they never had it. For me it would be a BIG deal to not see the color of these things, but maybe for them, not so much. It mad me feel good tho know a little more about my classmates. So I went and read a little more about color blindness and found out that there are a lot of different color blindness (some you cant even notice) For example, you could not be able to see the difference between blue and purple or red and orange. I found it interesting to read about and I just wanted to show you what I learned! I hope you were as interested as I was!

Here are some pictures on color blindness!  :)

If you can see a number in here, then your not color blind!
If you cant... then I don't think you can be a pilot. :)

These two pictures are what a normal person see of a head and the second picture is what a Color Deficient person see! The Color Deficient person sees the human head greenish.

Color Normal                 Color Deficient

What page should I tern too?

Thanks for reading! And thanks to all my followers for... well following me! :)


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